Personal Information Management: PIM Workshops
A series of workshops on research in Personal Information Management. |
IntroductionPersonal information management (PIM) is the practice and study of the activities people perform to acquire, organize, maintain, and retrieve information for everyday use. PIM is a growing area of interest as we all strive for better use of our limited personal resources of time, money, and energy, as well as greater workplace efficiency and productivity. Good research on the topic is being done in several disciplines, including human-computer interaction, database management, information retrieval, and artificial intelligence. This workshop will continue momentum towards building a community of researchers doing PIM-related research.
PIM 2022 Workshop to be held at ASISTWe are pleased to announce that a new PIM workshop will be held at ASIST 2022 in Pittsburg, PA, USA. Click below for more information:CHI 2015 Paper and Delphi Report on PIM PracticesAt the PIM 2013 workshop, a breakout group of workshop participants (all researchers in PIM) took turns sharing details of their own PIM practices. Participants identified many common practices, challenges, and alternatives. To formalize the discussion and involve members of the larger PIM community, it was decided to employ the Delphi Method to continue the dialog beyond the workshop session. The results of this effort include a paper to be presented at CHI 2015, and an extended Delphi Report on PIM Practices.Past PIM WorkshopsThis workshop is part of a meeting held every year and a half on personal information management, organized in connection with related conferences including SIGCHI, SIGIR, and ASIS&T. Each related conference attracts a substantial subset of people conducting PIM-related research. Information about the previous PIM worksohp meetings can be found at the following Web sites: |
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